Educating our children in the richness of their past,
the diversity of their present and the possibilities for their future.

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Author Rena Rosen Visits Lower School Kabbalat Shabbat

Author Rena Rosen Visits Lower School Kabbalat Shabbat

It was a privilege to welcome Author Rena Rosen as our Kabbalat Shabbat guest last Friday. As an educator and Inclusion Coordinator for JCC Chicago, Rena spoke about her book The Courage to Be Kind and facilitated a conversation with students in Grades 1-5 about appropriate ways to act and respond when they see someone who looks different from them. The Courage to Be Kind uses a relatable example for children to learn how they can apply the art of compassion in realistic scenarios. 

Born with a craniofacial syndrome, Rena shared her own personal narrative with students beginning with how she was often treated as a child who looked different than others. Students were attentive listeners and asked deep questions that generated an honest and respectful discussion within our Lower School.