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the diversity of their present and the possibilities for their future.

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Compost Club Holds Last Fundraiser of the Year

Compost Club Holds Last Fundraiser of the Year

On Wednesday, the CJDS Compost Club hosted a crafts fair for Junior Kindergarten through Grade 3 to fundraise for the school's composting program. Each item sold was environmentally themed and handcrafted by a member of our Compost Club, including painted rocks, take home planters, sustainability-themed coloring sheets, and more. We raised $123 to support composting at CJDS!

Even after the fundraiser, we still had $500 left to raise to cover the cost of composting. As expected, our CJDS community stepped up to fill the gap. Just 24 hours after an emailed appeal, we received 10 donations for composting and raised $660! Thank you to the many members of our community who have helped us continue composting at school!

And of course, a huge shoutout to our amazing Compost Club: Gavi G., Nava F., Eliana H., Isaac K., Maya M., Rosie, Eden P., Eli P., Nava S., and Jacob S. We keep doing the work we do because of you!