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Chesed in Action: Grade 5 Pulls Off Successful Sharsheret Fundraiser!
  • Community
  • Lower School
  • Tikkun Olam

Kol hakavod to our Grade 5 superstars, including their morot, Maya CohenJen Katz, Tamar Cytryn, Dorit Rogan, and Almog Yehuda, for the tremendous effort they put into Wednesday's Pink Day at CJDS in support of Sharsheret. Grade 5 students worked with CJDS parent Becky Koren, Sharsheret Illinois Outreach Project Coordinator, to learn how to raise awareness about breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Becky spoke to Grades 5-8 about the importance of being proactive, DNA, and genetics. 

Grade 5 led the school in activities beginning last Friday when each mishpacha braided pink challah and created pink chains (sharsheret means chain in Hebrew). Last week, students began preparing for Pink Day by making bath scrubs in conjunction with their Mixtures and Solutions science unit. They beautifully packaged the scrubs and held a schoolwide sale on Wednesday to raise funds for Sharsheret. Through their initiative and activism, students set an example for the rest of the school about why it's important to step up and do what we can for others.

Over $500 was raised! Donations can still be made in support of Sharsheret. Please mention that your contribution is for the "CJDS Grade 5 sale."