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Rabbinic Advisory Group Holds Lunch Meeting
  • Community
  • Jewish Life

On Monday we welcomed the CJDS Rabbinic Advisory Group to campus. It was a special opportunity for these rabbis, who represent several synagogues and organization throughout Chicagoland, to have the chance to convene. The Rabbinic Advisory Group consists of: CJDS Parent Rabbi Shoshanah Conover of Temple Sholom of Chicago, CJDS Parent Rabbi Reni Dickman, Executive Director of the Chicago Board of Rabbis and Senior Jewish Educator at JUF, CJDS Parent Rabbi Aaron Finkelstein of Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel, Rabbi Ari Hart of Skokie Valley Agudath Jacob Synagogue, CJDS Parent Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann of Mishkan Chicago, Rabbi Steven Stark Lowenstein of Am Shalom Congregation, and Rabbi Michael Siegel of Anshe Emet Synagogue.