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Alum Talia Berkwits ('21) Creates Jewish Environmental Publication "Eitz Chayim"
  • Alumni
  • Community
  • Jewish Life
  • Tikkun Olam

Mazel Tov to Talia Berkwits for turning her passions for environmental work and her love for Judaism into a monthly publication that connects Jewish Chicagoland communities with environmental issues. Talia explains in her own words the creation of Eitz Chayim: "I have always been empowered by environmental work. As I have pursued education and community surrounding sustainability, it has become clear to me that Jewish values are in direct relation with environmental issues and advocacy. After exploring how many diverse and interesting opportunities there are for environmental involvement and change in the Chicagoland area, I decided to create the Eitz Chayim publication, in hopes of spreading awareness and engagement to the many resources available, and emphasizing the deep connection between Judaism, sustainability, and community." We are immensely proud of Talia! Check it out here and contact Talia to be added to the Eitz Chayim email list. 

First page of the PDF file: EitzChayimChronicles-longversion21