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In Celebration of Tu BiShvat, Middle School Zooms with Israeli Farmers Near Gaza Border
  • Jewish Campus Life
  • Judaic Studies
  • Middle School

This morning, Middle School students celebrated Tu BiShvat with an inspiring Zoom conversation with Shalom Bitan and his son, Nativ, Israeli farmers from Moshav Yishuvim near the Gaza border. In a heartwarming session, they shared tales of agriculture in Israel, emphasizing the resilience of planting seeds amid challenges. Despite the ongoing events in Israel, their field remains a source of hope and strength.

Nativ, a remarkable swimmer representing Israel globally, achieved fifth place in last year's world championship for his age group. As a student at the Rotman Ashel Hanasi Bemerchavim, a school for students with autism, Nativ started an organization called the "Path to the Heart" program, delivering emotional lectures to raise awareness about autism.

Each year, the Bitan family organizes a touching tribute for IDF soldiers on their wheat-filled field. Experience the heartfelt moments in this clip