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the diversity of their present and the possibilities for their future.

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Grade 2 Portfolio Night Exhibits Students' Tremendous Growth
  • Lower School

Grade 2 students held their Portfolio Night on Thursday and were able to showcase their impressive learning over the course of the year. It was a special chance for their parents to witness how far their children have come. Students shared some of the highlights from the year, including experiments from the Solids and Liquids Science unit, their nonfiction stories, details about becoming Caterpillar and Butterfly parents, an overview of some favorite math games, and an explanation of their Hebrew and Judaic studies unit.

These students are BIG performers and sang several songs for their audience. They chose to sing the Hebrew song Bakita from their first unit because it's one of their favorites from the year. They sang an authentic Israeli song from that they learned to help celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut. The night concluded with students receiving their Chumash to congratulate them on all of their growth this school year!