Educating our children in the richness of their past,
the diversity of their present and the possibilities for their future.

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Grade 5 Explorers Travel Back in Time
  • Hebrew
  • Humanities
  • Judaic Studies
  • Lower School
  • Science

This morning, Grade 5 hosted a culmination event for their Age of Exploration unit, an interdisciplinary endeavor that integrated learning across Social Studies, Judaic Studies, Hebrew, Reading, Writing and Technology. Students delved into the perspectives of various explorers, examining the enduring impacts—both positive and negative—of their discoveries. 

Developing research skills, students used their ability to discern credible sources while immersing themselves in non-fiction literature and websites detailing the history of different explorers. They organized their research and crafted compelling thesis statements. The exploration extended into Jewish history through the medieval journey of Benjamin of Tudela. Documenting his travels through Italy, Turkey, and Persia, students compiled scrapbooks replete with diary entries, artifacts, and sketches. The focus encompassed the cultural nuances of each location, including synagogues, Jewish quarters, and other significant Jewish sites.

In the realm of Judaic studies, students incorporated introductory Hebrew conversations, sharing insights about their identity and place of residence. This linguistic proficiency seamlessly dovetailed with their explorations in the Mediterranean region, as Hebrew text found its way into their projects. Students showcased their comprehensive understanding through diverse mediums, including writing, poster creation, and the design of a tool reflective of what might have been used during their explorers' journeys or something applicable in today's modern era. This hands-on experience involved deconstructing technology by utilizing components from computers and other devices brought in by families to explore their internal workings. Students prepared small Hebrew ID cards for each of their explorers for their parents to enjoy. They also learned how to translate explorers’ names and identify information in Hebrew through Wikipedia vs. Google translate. 

The culmination event on Friday served as the grand showcase for CJDS families, where students proudly exhibited their learning. The posters and essays detailed the historical importance of different explorers' lives, including sponsorship, motives, journeys, and accomplishments. The immersive experience was heightened by the students' costumes, accents, and in-depth knowledge, all obtained from their research.

A heartfelt Todah Rabah to the Grade 5 Team — Morot Jen Katz, Maya Cohen, Dorit Rogan, Almog Yehuda, and Tamar Cytryn —for their hard work throughout this enriching learning journey.